How Tequila Is Made

How Tequila Is Made


Tequila is a distilled spirit that is produced only in Mexico, and only then in the region of Tequila. Juice from the heart of the agave plant is fermented and distilled twice to make tequila. The yield of Tequila has to be in compliance with stringent regulations put forth by the Mexican government.
To make tequila, you need to start with ripe blue agave plants, which that take eight to ten years to mature. When the plants have reached their peak ripeness, the leaves are stripped off and only the core or "piña" is used in the production of tequila. These cores can weigh from 40 to 80 lbs, and some can weigh even more.

The piñas are then taken to the distillery where they are cut up for roasting. The piñas are roasted in special furnaces, and the starches in the cores turn to sugar. Each piña makes almost 8 bottles of tequila. After baking, the piñas are shredded and put through a press. The press squeezes the juice from the shredded piña pulp. The juices are then pressed from the shredded pulp and located in fermentation tanks.

Once the juices are in the fermentation tanks, yeast is added. Distillers have their own technique for the adding of the yeast. At this point, the yeast begins to act upon the sugars of the roasted pulp, turning it in to alcohol.

Juices now ferment for 30 to 48 hours. With no supplementary processing, the fermented piña juice has about a 6% alcohol content. The fermented juice is distilled two or even three times in whether original copper stills or more up to date still that are made of stainless steel. The first distillation is all the time a rough, low-grade distillate and the second or third run is used to purify and excellent the liquor. Ultimately, distillers want to generate a product that captures the aroma of the agave and, at the same time, tastes as pure as possible. Alcohol article may be between 70 and 110 Proof.

This becomes your basic tequila blanco, or silver tequila. Oro, or gold, tequila requires 2 months aging in oak barrels. Reposado tequila - or "rested tequila"- must be aged for up to a year. Tequila añejo is superior tequila and needs to be aged in oak for at least one year. Many producers age añejo for many years. This is considered to be the best tequila available and will be very expensive.

*Per Mexican government guidelines, all tequilas are required to age for at least 14-21 days. To be called a "Tequila", It must be made from 100 percent natural ingredients, and be at least 38% alcohol. Most importantly, it must be made from blue agave grown and harvested only in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit or Tamaulipas.

How Tequila Is Made

French Press

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Tube. Duration : 5.80 Mins.

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Music video by performing Scream & Shout (Remix) ft. Britney Spears, Hit Boy, Waka Flocka Flame, Lil Wayne & Diddy. (C) 2013 Interscope Records Director: Ben Mor Producers: Lazy Jay, John Winter

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Scream & Shout (Remix)

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How to French Kiss Step by Step


Have you ever been nervous to kiss person special? It has happened to all of us at one point or another, guy or girl. I'm going to give you some pointers on how to french kiss step by step. These pointers will give you the trust you need to take your relationships to the next level. Once you have that trust you will see citizen of the opposite sex responding to you in whole new ways! The keys to studying how to french kiss step by step are the basics: Location, Timing, and Mechanics.


Just as when citizen buy a house price is dictated by location, so it is with the excellent french kiss. If you pick a bad location it will be cheapened and your partner won't enjoy themselves nearly as much. Would you rather live on Boardwalk or Baltic Avenue, New York City or some backwoods backwards town in the middle of no where? I recommend a underground place at first, some citizen don't mind public displays of affection but when it comes down to it the kiss is supposed to be personal not public. studying the right location for a exact kiss is vital for studying how to french kiss step by step.


Bad timing will kill the mood immediately. Not only that but it could label you as a "bad kisser". Being labeled as a bad kisser can come back to haunt you many times over. It decreases the attraction the other person feels for you instantly. The goal of kissing should be to make the person want to be with you constantly, to make them crave you. This can be done by building the occasion up to a climax. In order to build the suspense all you have to do is go 2 steps transmit and 1 step back until those steps transmit take you to the kiss. We'll go over an example scenario at the end of the narrative that perfectly illustrates how to french kiss step by step.


Finally we get to the mechanics of the kiss. There are so many types to pick from. For the beginner probably going to want to go with the appropriate stereotypical french kiss step by step (covered below). For the intermediate kisser throw in a traveling kiss, deep kiss, or nibbling kiss to spice things up a bit with whoever you resolve to share kisses with. This indeed is the easiest part of studying how to french kiss step by step. The basic movement doesn't convert until you get into advanced kissing.

Now that we've gone over the basics of what you are shooting for lets go over how to french kiss step by step.

1. Check your breath, brush your teeth, get a tic tac, chew some gum, something to have fresh breath I can't stress that enough. The sense is ruined with bad breath.

2. Build the tension/suspense. Casually put your arm around her if you are a guy or physically flirt with him if you are a girl but then stop. Continue building the tension a small more by using more and more flirtatious techniques and then stepping back a small bit.

3. Lean in slowly, no rushing. Guys this is when you tilt your head slightly

4. Press your lips to theirs lightly at first and then firmer

5. Open your mouth slightly and put your tongue in their mouth (In my view this should be the guys role but sometimes the girls need to take control and get things moving)

6. Keep bodily contact, arms should be locked snugly around your partner I like to hold my partners cheek or the back of their neck or head.

7. Break for air when you need to and enjoy the experience

Alright so that wasn't so bad. You now know how to french kiss step by step, at the very least at a basic level. I think the hardest part is building the tension in step two. Holding from diving right in to the kiss is certainly a test of a persons self control but once you get a small institution in it will be second nature and your relationships will be heighten with the opposite sex immediately through your new found kissing ability and confidence.

How to French Kiss Step by Step

French Press

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Tube. Duration : 5.80 Mins.

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Music video by performing Scream & Shout (Remix) ft. Britney Spears, Hit Boy, Waka Flocka Flame, Lil Wayne & Diddy. (C) 2013 Interscope Records Director: Ben Mor Producers: Lazy Jay, John Winter

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Scream & Shout (Remix)

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Cooking - Liver


All liver is a great source of iron and B vitamins and should be a regular part of a salutary diet and if cooked correctly liver can be delicious. Although liver does have bad press and many citizen will not even reconsider trying it. Sometimes it calls for the cook to be somewhat inventive to get citizen to try liver. There are many recipes to choose from and it is worth the experimentation.

The best liver is the liver from young animals as it is mildest and tenderest. Calf's liver is delicate and appetizing but fairly expensive. Real calf's liver is paler in color than the redder more mature baby beef liver. For a mild flavored liver choose the palest that you can find. The darker the color the stronger the flavor.

Take care when choosing liver as sometimes baby beef liver is labeled calf's liver in the supermarket or grocery store. To ensure purchasing true calf's liver buy from a butchers or a reputable gastronome supermarket.

Baby beef liver is stronger in flavor than calf's liver but is very good and preferable to actual beef liver. Liver from beef is dark red and the color corresponds to the compel of flavor. Beef liver is readily ready but many believe it is too strong for simple preparations.

Some cooks after buying beef liver soak it in milk or a flavorful spicy marinade such as a white wine marinade before cooking to soften the intense flavor. After marinating throw the liquid away and pat the liver dry before cooking.

A lovely tender well-flavored liver is lamb liver but this is commonly quite difficult to find.

Also hard to find is pigs liver, which is strong in, taste but extremely tender. Again for pig's liver it can be soaked or marinated like the beef liver.

When choosing liver it should be impeccably fresh with no slimy or dry patches and should have a clear scent.

Should you find yourself making ready a whole liver first wipe it with a damp cloth, then with a sharp knife take off any exposed veins, ducts or connective tissue. With your fingers peel away the thin outer membrane without tearing into the liver itself. You then just slice on the diagonal to the desired thickness your method calls for.

Of course presliced liver can be purchased and is no ifs ands or buts more commonly ready than whole livers. If the butcher has not done so take off the outer membrane on the slices.

Before cooking make 1/8th inch cuts at 1-inch intervals around the exterior of the liver slice. The surmise for this is because liver has a tendency to shrink and curl when it is cooked and these cuts will help to preclude that from happening.

The liver is now ready for cooking. Liver should be cooked until it is pink but firm in the center. If liver is overcooked or cooked on excessively high heat it will toughen.

Liver is a lot richer in flavor than many other types of meat so a 4-ounce serving should be ample as a main course for most appetites.

Cooking - Liver

French Press

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Tube. Duration : 5.80 Mins.

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Music video by performing Scream & Shout (Remix) ft. Britney Spears, Hit Boy, Waka Flocka Flame, Lil Wayne & Diddy. (C) 2013 Interscope Records Director: Ben Mor Producers: Lazy Jay, John Winter

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Scream & Shout (Remix)

Scream & Shout (Remix)

No URL Scream & Shout (Remix)


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